Thursday, January 10, 2008


Assignment (15 Marks as part of internal assessment)

Write an essay on your favourite leader in around 2000 words and submit the same by e-mail latest by 3 February 2008. E-mail:

This assignment is meant for individual assessment. Each student will write an essay in his or her own words.

You may choose the leader from any area: business, politics, films, tarde unions, sports etc.
You may choose the leader across cultures: Indian, European, American, African
You may choose the leader from any period: Present or past

If you are quoting from a book, article, website please provide appropriate references.

Essays will be assessed on the following criteria:
Content: understanding of the traits, strength and weaknesses of the chosen leaders, their styles, their contribution, their relevance in contemporary times etc.
Research: students must provide ample evidence of having studied available literature on the leader they have chosen for this assignment.

No essays will be accepted after 3 Feb 2008. Students missing the deadline will be awarded zero in internal assessment.

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